Data Propaganda

Posté le 22 Mai, 2016

Champ de mines

Importance du Wi-Fi, d’internet,

Les millenials sont ceux nes apres 1984

Ne pas tomber dans la dystopie a la “The circle”

Decision de la FCC

La “Filter Bubble”

Ce n’est pas recent (les medias ont toujours su jouer sur l’information telle qu’elle est distillée)

Les amis, premier filtre : confiance absolue
L’internet actuel est un grand filter (google est ton ami)
Faebook makes up most of social network
Facebook first advertiser

Devil wears data


Poincarre : Raisonement inductif (instant baguette et fromage)

I never guess. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.
– Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The signal and the Noise (e.g. meteo or alignement des planetes) : overfitting
Correlation, causation (freakonomics)


On peut demander aux entreprises d’agir en toute transparence

Les sciences du comportement

Le peche capital de l’internet : la pub

it’s the economy stupid ! :
Amazon : pregnant women are the most valuable customers
Piketty-time : ellipse sur la natalite


Condoleeza Rice – drop dropbox
Google and lobbying

Les objets cryptes de le seront peut etre plus pour longtemps
(informatique quantique, logarithme discret)
L’art n’est plus une marchandise
Revolution will be streamed
facebook and vote

Politique, economie et social

La resistance

À lire sur Numerama : Snowden, Assange et Kim Dotcom réunis pour renverser les élections

Capture d’écran de la page d’accueil Facebook de l’auteur prise durant les élections de fin d’année aux US


A qui appartiennent les données ?

Ou vont les données pour mourir ?

Archives en pologne/stasi

Positionnement ethique
Google : Do no evil
Apple : see article on Tim


Data propaganda in cuba

L’internet des choses


OpenSSL – Heartbleed (perfect forward etc)

A qui appartient le futur ?
Evgueny morozov
Big Data is the new economy : Who owns the future
Nobody understands anything anyway

Kahneman (
The availability heuristic is a psychological term that describes the human tendency to estimate the frequency of an event by using the examples that come most readily to mind. As psychologist Daniel Kahneman—who coined the term with his research partner, Amos Tversky—recalls in Thinking, Fast and Slow:
Amos and I wondered about the rate of divorce among professors in our university. We noticed that the question triggered a search of memory for divorced professors we knew or knew about, and that we judged the size of the categories by the ease with which instances came to mind. We called this reliance on the ease of memory search the availability heuristic.


Article in the ebx

IoT (Nest, Oculus rift) – securite – OpenSSL – project Loon, drones creepy

Bit et chat

Who is responsible ? (same question goes for google car, drones, etc.)
The propaganda is not obvious

L’europe et le droit a l’oubli (ca a fait criser les americains)

Un monde orwellien

Orwell contre Huxley


Who does the data belong to ?—-Knowledge-and-Information-Technology—-No–123.html?soid=1102594616158&aid=mQ9u233XySQ
Orkut, created in 2004 by a Google employee, was one of the earlier social networks, a contemporary of Facebook. With Google trying to create traction for Google+, and Orkut only retaining significant popularity in two countries, Brazil (where it is hosted) and India, it was inevitable that Google would pull the plug, and it finally did. As of today, no new accounts can be opened and users have three months to export their data and migrate to another network.
The story is fairly unremarkable except for reinforcing some recurrent points. First, who does the data belong to? Second, there are no social media standards to ease the migration of one’s profile data across networks (a form of “cloud provider lock-in,” a subject well known in the cloud standards community). Third, the providers will argue that we shouldn’t have any expectations from a free service. (But is this really free, given the barrage of ads that allow the providers to make money?)
While the move makes sense for Google, it will be interesting to see who the users migrate to. Instead of moving to Google+, they may decide to join Facebook (chances are, most of them already use it too).

right to be forgotten

curzio malaparte

British army creates team of Facebook warriors – Guardian

La foi en le big data

resoudre des problemes

Big Data should not be a faith-based initiative

Pour aller plus loin
Les piliers
Sean Gourley
Evgueny Morozov
Alexis MAdrigal

Écrit par Antoine Wojdyla

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